UK China Institue


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Your Fellow Entrepreneurs – UK China Institue


All of our programs, from MBA, through PhD and DBA have a central focus on entrepreneurship.  This focus is reflected in the students body we teach, the professors who do the teaching and the institutions we meet along the way – global business schools, governments and industry giants.


China has a long history of entrepreneurship, dating back thousands of years.  It was with this in mind that we decided to make entrepreneurship the central focus of all of our programs.

Modern China too is characterised by a sense of entrepreneurship – global entrepreneurship.  Chinese businesses have come to dominate the domestic as well as global landscape and will continue to do so well into the future.  The UK China Institute hopes to play some small role in the evolution of the Chinese entrepreneur.


A principle reason for establishing our program across so many different countries, rather than just running it in one, was to provide the student with commercial opportunities across the globe.

The type of student undertaking any of our programs seeks to carve their own path, rather than being led and seeks opportunity over comfort.  Our global programs facilitate this through connections to entrepreneurial academic and commercial environments across several countries and continents.

Our university partners

  • A focus on entrepreneurhsip
  • Helping to uncover myriad possibilities

Our industry partners

Not simply company visits but real high level connections to industry and government leaders that help facilitate real world, global commercial possibilities.  Helping build long term relationships on a global scale.

  • Hedge Funds in New York: working with some of the world’s biggest hedge funds to provide access to their facilities for the MBA program and research opportunities for both DBA and PhD programs.
  • Marketing Agencies in China: working in brand development agencies to different social media environment that exists in China and what relevance this has for the rest of the world for the likes of TMall and other Chinese platforms.
  • Logistics and Shipping in Singapore: As one of the world’s premier logistics hubs, Singapore ports offers a unique insight into the world of a smart city shipping and air freight hub.
  • Primary Industry in Sao Paolo: Brazil is one of the world’s largest commodity producers and exporters.  Mining and agriculture form the backbone of Brazil’s economy and offer a window into an intriguing global supply chain through visits to key facilities and insight from our university partner.
  • Luxury and Fashion in Paris: In that France is the heart of fashion and luxury goes without saying.  From food to clothing to technology this theme runs true throughout their economy, with our luxury agency partner providing real insight for our students.
  • Adding 2 new locations: Not content with our vary wide range of global locations, we will be adding locations in the middle east and an additional location in the pacific in 2024/25.
  • Building a new technology platform: While we are currently using a 3rd party platform in 2023, we will start building our own purpose built technology platform from 2024.
  • Developing our online training program: It isn’t enough to have academic programs without corporate training programs.  These will take the form of online Problem Based Learning (PBL) modules.
  • Building out our Advisory Committee: Advice is an ever evolving phenomenon and so too the nature of our advisory committee, with is constantly evolving and adding and subtracting advisors over time to meet the changing needs to the evolving global commercial environment.
  • Investigation a new MBA stream: While entrepreneurship will always be our flagstone course, we will be investigating an MBA majoring in finance in 2025.
  • Rolling out our new technology platform: our new technology platform is scheduled to roll out in late 2024 or early 2025
  • Moving beyond China to the Middle East: Evolving our China success into something that is based out of the Middle East is our next big strategic challenge.
  • Rollout of our online training program 2025 will see the launch of our first 5 online training modules.  These will be made available for FREE for our alumni